Case Study


Intro / Overview

Envirogen, a leader in water technology and process solutions around the world, consulted with Active Web Group to replace their outdated site and to begin to access online SEO opportunities. The client was looking for a site that emphasizes their engineering, process expertise, ongoing customer relationships, and hands-on involvement in projects. They were looking to convey their overall expertise in environmental services, water treatment systems, and processes.

AWG Services

  • Web Design
  • SEO

The Challenge

With their original site, only about a dozen keywords ranked on the first page of SERPs and most of those were their company name. They not only needed to address the huge opportunity that their current site was not leveraging for them but also had a number of new site functionality requirements. They needed to manage and add meaningful content. They needed to create a Literature library that users could use with ease to access brochures, white papers, datasheets, bulletins, and briefs. As more and more users are using mobile devices, the site needed to be responsive so it would display correctly with any access hardware from PC, smartphone, or tablet. They wanted to create a robust search option that would allow users to find important and relevant information regarding their services on the site. As with most aged sites, they were looking for a modern visual update to reinforce their brand as well as a blog. They also wanted the site to be GDPR compliant.


Active Web Group’s designers and web developers crafted a dynamic, inclusive custom WordPress site with a high-end appearance to showcase Envirogen’s brand and to firmly establish the company at the forefront of worldwide consultancy services. The site’s sophisticated look, feel, and functionality allows site visitors quick access to information regarding Envirogen’s professional services. The site is also scalable, so it can be quickly adapted to meet changing online business trends over time. The new site contains a literature library, a powerful search function, and is responsive, making their brand distinctive and professional.


Once the new site was launched, SEO rankings began improving. Within 12 months, Active Web Group was able to achieve and sustain rankings for nearly half of their targeted keyword terms. Many went from having no rankings at all to number 1 in Google. With sustained efforts, SEO will continue to bring in qualified traffic that converts to viable leads for the Envirogen business. Here are some additional marketing results:

  • Organic users increased by +40%
  • Organic sessions increased by +57%
  • Avg Pages Per Session +130%
  • Avg Session Length +66%

Improved rankings include:

  • Selenium water treatment – ranking #2 (previously not ranking)
  • Ultrafiltration for high solids – ranking #1 (previously not ranking)
  • FBR Process – ranking #3 (previously ranked #67)
  • ix/demineralization – ranking #2 (previously not ranking)

To learn more about how Active Web Group can help your business contact us at 800-978-3417.