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Duplicate Content and URLs – Understanding Canonicalization

October 16th, 2014

…Another fairly common, but much more minor, canonicalization problem is the inconsistent use of trailing slashes, like the examples shown below: Usually this is just caused by sloppy…

Five Steps to Increase Traffic With a Company Blog

March 21st, 2014

…able to find it. The two most commonly used URL formats are and is used when a website’s Content Management System (CMS) allows for a feed to be…

Understanding Web 2.0 Design

December 22nd, 2010

…content from different sources and ignore the website’s visual design. Mixing searches with RSS can tag RSS feeds based on specified topics. Feedster and PUbSub are excellent examples of this….

SEO for eCommerce Category Pages

August 14th, 2014

…the possibility of duplicate content. Learn more about eCommerce If you need to use parameters to make your shopping cart function, make sure you use the…

Understanding The Basics Of Pay-Per-Click Advertising

August 24th, 2011

Businesses worldwide typically focus on broadening their marketing to include Pay-Per-Click advertising in an effort to enhance traffic to their site. Many ask, what is Pay-Per-Click? Pay-Per-Click, also known as…

Updating Your Google PPC to Performance Max

October 24th, 2022

…more quality conversion and increased value through real-time performance optimization via Smart Bidding. Combining Google’s superior automation bidding technologies across bidding, budget optimization, targeted audiences, creatives, attribution, etc. Performance Max…

The Wrath of Google

February 28th, 2011

…some space for a Twister mat and a mini-fridge. I’m just saying…. How did Google find out? Somebody told on them. A competitor of contacted Google to complain. My…

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