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How to Improve Your Brand’s Online Reputation

December 18th, 2018

Your Guide To Brand Reputation Management Your brand’s reputation matters. A lot. Your reputation can either make or break your brand. No matter your industry, the online shopping process is…

What to Look For in a Corporate Reputation Management Firm

September 27th, 2012

Corporate Reputation Management For decades, corporate reputation management was associated with protecting Fortune 500 companies’ reputation in the press. Today, due to eCommerce, online reputation management (ORM) is a concern…

Updating Your Google PPC to Performance Max

October 24th, 2022

Google Ads you’ll be able to judge campaign performance more readily using creative assets, audience signals, and optional data feeds as desired. How can you get started using the Google

Maximizing Sales: The Power of Incentives in Google PPC Ads

December 6th, 2023

…to drive more sales and achieve better results. Understanding Google PPC Ads and Their Potency Google Ads are a pivotal component of any effective pay-per-click campaign. They provide instantaneous visibility,…

Tips for Creating Effective Social Media Ads

April 6th, 2017

…process. Can billboards or television ads promise the same results? Types of Ads Facebook Awareness These are great for gaining traction and exposure for your brand, which is ideal for…

What You Need To Know About the Google Ads Update

June 16th, 2016

Google has announced some major updates for Google Ads that they expect to take effect later this year. Designed towards mobile, early testing from Google has suggested up to a…

The Fundamentals of Paid Search

February 10th, 2022

…How Google Ads Work For Paid Search Rather than links popping up organically, companies can bid on select keywords to have their ads appear in designated positions. You’ll see these…

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