Case Study


SherburnProject Overview

Sherburn is an international supplier of electrical relays for a wide range of applications. While many of us may not have heard of them before, many of the world’s largest builders of various products purchase electrical relays manufactured by companies such as Tyco and Teledyne from Sherburn. Sherburn had built a web site in the late 1990s that no longer looked modern and needed an updated change. Sherburn hired Active Web Group to give them a modern, streamlined look to market their products online. Sherburn knew that Active Web Group has done work for several of the world’s most famous and regarded brands and felt comfortable that was the type of service they wanted for their own brand.


Active Web Group did an analysis of the current web site to assess its strengths and weaknesses. Unfortunately for Sherburn, there were no strengths and the current design held no positive features. The good news is that Active Web Group is accustomed to this problem, and we put our award winning art department to work developing a cutting edge design. Another significant challenge for us was the very dry nature of Sherburn’s product line. Sherburn sells several thousand products that look exactly the same. We needed to structure the home page to set the stage for a buyer to see like products and place an order.


Active Web Group decided to give Sherburn a very clean professional looking design that differentiated the product lines on the home page. We did enough research with Sherburn to deeply understand Sherburn’s customer base and how they make purchases. We feel it is imperative to understand our client’s business and their customers so we can tailor the design to provide the customer with superior user experience. Sherburn customers are already aware of exactly the type and look of the products they purchase. We divided the categories into 10 distinct images and send the customers off into the correct category from the home page.


Sherburn is delighted with their new website. They have received numerous compliments on how easy it is to find the correct item and how nice it is to be guided through a massive inventory of lookalike products. Sherburn’s sales online have grown dramatically and many existing customers that normally call in orders are now ordering online helping to control labor costs moving forward.

Services Provided

Active Web Group has done Search Engine Optimization, Email Marketing and Design for Sherburn.

Service: Web Site Design
Client: Sherburn
Web Site: