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Is Your Website Content Optimized for Voice Search?

September 6th, 2019

…to strike a balance between desktop and mobile users is another factor to achieve optimal success. The SEO professionals at Active Web Group know the ropes here, and can advise…

Avoiding Google Penalties in 2020

October 23rd, 2019

…to backlinks. Eventually, Google placed an emphasis on quality over quantity for all SEO purposes. With the release of the Cassandra update in 2003, Google started targeting manipulative linking. As…

Why do I need to invest in digital marketing every month

September 3rd, 2020

…with additional landing pages, link building efforts, and strong organic SEO strategies. There are two main obstacles to reinforce the continued efforts of monthly digital marketing. Firstly, your competitors are…

How Often Should I Publish Content

September 21st, 2020

…be consist of at least three cohesive paragraphs and include a sales or networking opportunity. Consider the vantage point of your target market when building your tone and getting your…

Creating a Conversion-Focused Paid Search Campaign

June 23rd, 2021

…goes hand-and-hand with considering their motivations but your verbiage and SEO copy are only part of the battle. The type of content you offer matters too! So whether you decide…

Do Social Media Followers Still Matter?

September 29th, 2021

…‘prioritize friends and family’ when it came to their newsfeed algorithm. This update led to a continuous decline in organic reach for business pages — which, again, began on Facebook…

Google Ads Impact to Not Migrating to Google Analytics 4

May 29th, 2023

…traffic across multiple devices, including mobile and desktop. This is particularly important in today’s world where more and more people are using mobile devices for internet browsing and shopping. GA4…

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