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Email Marketing: Changing the ‘Average’ Opinion

April 21st, 2010

…“Congratulations!” You’re on course to bring email marketing, a gateway of infinite marketing possibilities and unlimited ROI potential, to an “average” level. Email marketing is a channel, a unique marketing

Oops! I Killed My Email Marketing

July 25th, 2012

So often I am asked why email marketing campaigns are not well received. The content of an individual email can produce a short term drop, but a poor overall strategy…

Not All PPC Marketing and Management Services Are Created Equal

January 29th, 2010

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising/marketing campaigns have emerged as the primary online marketing techniques utilized by anyone from sole proprietors, small businesses, and international corporations. However, mismanagement of PPC marketing often results…

Three Steps to Better Email Marketing

February 23rd, 2008

A lot has been said about the subject of email marketing, and numerous tips, tricks, and techniques have discoursed throughout the Internet on blogs, forums, and web marketing companies. But…

Understanding Web 2.0 Design

December 22nd, 2010

…content from different sources and ignore the website’s visual design. Mixing searches with RSS can tag RSS feeds based on specified topics. Feedster and PUbSub are excellent examples of this….

Email Marketing Ideas and Suggestions

February 10th, 2010

Active Web Group, Long Island’s premier online marketing solutions company, has posted a new series of email marketing articles on their website. Three Steps to Better Email Marketing A lot…

Email Marketing in 2011

March 14th, 2011

…and email marketing campaigns. Email marketing is changing, and 2011 will require people to make adjustments in order to stay competitive. Email marketing will need to combine with elements of…

Email Marketing Tips and Techniques

September 22nd, 2009

Email marketing campaigns have emerged as a valuable marketing tool utilized to increase brand awareness, maintain high Internet visibility, and attract new prospects to a corporation’s customer base. But a…

Avoid These Online Marketing Mistakes

July 17th, 2010

…second impression. Not Utilizing at Least One Online Marketing Solution There are many online marketing solutions to choose from: SEO, PPC, Email Marketing, social network marketing, etc. Even having a…

6 Steps To Powerful Email Marketing

January 31st, 2020

…how important it is. Your digital marketing efforts (including email marketing) should be in the best interest of your subscribers. They subscribed to your emails for a reason and trying…

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