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Search Results for: "feed/rss2/google-shopping-changes/long-island-web-"

Internet Marketing Trends

March 2nd, 2009

…the evolution of new Search Engine Optimization techniques as this post from SEOMoz illustrates. Active Web Group recently released an article that focused on what we thought the Latest Web

Google+ Tips

July 2nd, 2012

…traffic to your website through more popular social media networks, but website owners and marketers should not just brush Google+ aside. In a recent post from Google, the social media…

Common Sense Marketing Strategies For Your Website

May 11th, 2011

…you crash into in the parking lot at the supermarket, I’m specifically referring to someone going to your website and adds something to their shopping cart, and never completes the…

So You’re Number One in Google, Now What?

February 25th, 2011

…doesn’t mean the job is over. Your job has just begun!” You have won the battle but you still haven’t won the war. New changes in Google’s algorithm can cause…

Top Five 2023 eCommerce Trends to Watch

December 28th, 2022

…for relevant data. Increased Accessibility Did you know? About 95% of eCommerce websites do not measure up to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. These guidelines do not solely speak to compliance…

Navigating Digital Marketing During COVID-19

April 28th, 2020

…monitor organic metrics including sessions and conversions for the immediate future and should look to update forecasting Monitor trending tools including Google Trends and Google Search Console to identify shifts…

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