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Search Results for: "feed/rss2/google-shopping-changes/long-island-web-"

What you need to know about Google’s Mobile First Index

January 15th, 2018

…are consequences for those who ignore what in essence is Google’s final call. Google is currently rolling out mobile-friendly indexing and ‘desktop’ websites are no longer Google’s indexing priority. For…

What You Need To Know About the Google Ads Update

June 16th, 2016

Google has announced some major updates for Google Ads that they expect to take effect later this year. Designed towards mobile, early testing from Google has suggested up to a…

Social Media Tips

June 12th, 2012

…solid information. Google has implemented changes within the last year to rank websites that give out insightful information higher. If you are going to promote other websites then make sure…

SEO for eCommerce Category Pages

August 14th, 2014

…canonical URL tag to tell Google it should be indexing the URL without any parameters. Additionally use URL parameters section in Google’s Webmaster Central Console to tell Google which parameters…

The Wrath of Google

February 28th, 2011

Google’s fed up and they’re not going to take it anymore… Last week, it was JC Penney that Google came down on, for what could only be called “black hat…

Active Web Group Provides eCommerce Strategies That Work

September 15th, 2011

…Active Web Group’s web developers are adept at implementing website enhancements to offer greater incentive and functionality to consumers to become customers. The continued success of any online business weighs…

Standout Web Design Trends for 2022

June 1st, 2022

As a leading Long Island Web Design company, Active Web Group’s creative team is always seeking to incorporate fresh, effective, clean designs for our clients. Our goal is to utilize…

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