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The Formula For a Strong Google Ads Campaign

May 24th, 2019

…account in Google, it is all-important to make sure that ‘Auto Tagging’ has been checked. You’ll want to receive every shred of data Google can provide. Ditto making sure that…

How Important is Link Building

May 26th, 2021

competition from companies on the prowl for online visibility, comes more algorithm restrictions. Algorithm restrictions lead to more rules to prevent shortcuts, thus resulting in even more competition. It’s like…

Minimizing the Effects of Google’s Sandbox

February 3rd, 2010

Every new website is subject to the Google sandbox, otherwise known as age delaying. The sandbox is the virtual place Google puts new websites before it deems them eligible for…

What you need to know about Google’s Mobile First Index

January 15th, 2018

…are consequences for those who ignore what in essence is Google’s final call. Google is currently rolling out mobile-friendly indexing and ‘desktop’ websites are no longer Google’s indexing priority. For…

Avoiding Google Penalties in 2020

October 23rd, 2019

Over the years, Google has been updating its algorithm to consistently improve and ensure quality experiences for its users. Those looking for shortcuts are often penalized by Google and we…

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