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Pay-Per-Click Marketing Mistakes You Might Be Making

January 18th, 2011

…is possible to waste valuable time and resources learning how to use Pay-Per-Click marketing. A common mistake that many companies make is not testing their ads. Creating more than one…

Using Local Search to Generate Sales Leads

May 8th, 2007

Think of it as an upgrade from the often pricey, frequently overlooked, and increasingly outdated YellowPages ad. Since many small companies do not have the resources to track clicks and…

What is Customer Lifetime Value?

July 14th, 2011

…determine the value of a customer over their lifetime, you can determine what you are willing to pay for new customers and how much effort and resources you should put…

Small Business Marketing Tips

December 9th, 2011

…read this recently in an Internet forum and it’s very true. To market your small business effectively, take a look at these small business marketing tips, and I assure you…

Find A Great SEO Company

March 28th, 2012

…to perform in search engines. SEO companies are one of your best resources for getting more traffic to your website. However, if you choose the wrong company then you could…

Using Google Hangouts to Drive Business

June 18th, 2013

…Heck, even Mark Zuckerberg has a Google+ account. If you’re putting all your business social marketing resources into Facebook but are ignoring Google+, it’s time to re-think your strategy. There…

The Value of Natural Search

September 4th, 2013

…the mix. Sound strategies use a combination of the aforementioned resources in varying degrees, yet a focused effort on improving natural search traffic is the most important form of optimization…

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