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Google Shopping Changes

June 8th, 2012

Recently Google announced a major change in the shopping results channel or shopping feed. Google Shopping is typically seen in about the 3rd position on the search engine results page…

Social Media Tips

June 12th, 2012

…media feeds. Here are a few ways to help your content gain more readership. 1. Get Informed The Internet changes daily. When you aren’t informed of the changes to the…

Using Twitter for Small Business

February 18th, 2014

…creating and scheduling the posts the optimal times can take over an hour. And then you’ll need to troll Twitter’s main feed for applicable conversations to join in, which can…

Instagram Introduces ‘Stories’

September 13th, 2016

feed, which followers of that user can then view. The story images delete themselves after 24 hours to make room for a new story on a new day. It’s easy…

9 Steps to Improving Your PPC Results

February 16th, 2007

…because they cost more and have lower conversion rates. It is therefore crucial that you incorporate multiple keyword phrases that are less costly and higher in conversion. Although the exact…

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