When you have a new product to promote, information regarding an event, or important news to share, it is critical that your message reaches your target base in a timely fashion. Simply waiting for prospects to visit your site is not feasible or cost-efficient, especially when you can easily place your information directly in front of the eyes of thousands overnight.
Many companies still tend to shy away from email marketing, as they believe such strategies fall under the stigma of being called ‘spam’ – unwarranted email, often tossed in the junk folder. This belief is a terrible misconception, and companies who avoid email marketing are doing themselves a great disservice.
Benefits of Email Marketing
While email marketing‘s purpose is of course to reach new prospects within your target market, it need not be utilized solely to advertise products or services. The key to effective email marketing is to send your target market quality information that captures their attention, engages their interest, and instills brand recognition.
When executed properly, an email marketing campaign can reach thousands for virtually no costs, as opposed to direct mail marketing campaigns, which can take a big toll on a marketing budget. Additionally, is it far easier to measure results and quickly refine your campaign to continually acquire new customers or clients.
Identify the Target Market
First and foremost, it is critical that you properly identify your target market. Simply sending your email campaign to a randomly generated list serves little purpose and will not deliver the results you desire. Your company may already have a targeted list in its database, but be aware that there are always thousands of more leads to be acquired. A web-based marketing company such as Active Web Group can help you develop a comprehensive target list, as well as manage the list so that it stays regularly updated.
Compose Your Message
Next, you’ll need to concentrate on your message. If your intent is on letting consumers know about a product or service, then the most important aspect of your message should be the benefit to the consumer. Let them know upfront and in a clear, direct manner how your product will benefit them. Then explain why. Be sure to include any pertinent information, such as why your product may be better than the competitors, and how interested consumers can find out more about it or purchase it.
Modify Your Email Marketing Campaign
To enforce brand recognition, you might want to consider developing a newsletter and emailing it on a regular schedule as part of an ongoing email campaign. Informative articles about your company’s industry, as well as news about your own company, keeps the consumer interested and informed. Coupling an advertisement of a product or service with an informative article is also an effective email marketing strategy.
Email marketing can also be used to quickly submit press releases to numerous media outlets.
For more information on Email Marketing Solutions, call us at 1-800-978-3417 or Contact Active Web Group and let us help you!