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Maximizing Your SEO Through Web Directories

July 18th, 2012

…These sites display web pages by category versus keyword search. Thus, if your site is new you may still get the upper hand by having your web page listed with…

Video for SEO

July 5th, 2013

…search engine crawlers to find your videos. There are also third party video sites that accept RSS or MRSS feeds. It’s another opportunity to send your basic metadata (i.e. title/description/keywords/category/transcript)…

Long Island Digital Agency to Receive LIBN Award

March 14th, 2016

…Awards program. Active Web is being recognized in the “Community Service Pro-Bono Web Team Category” for providing web design and online services to a local non-profit agency. Active Web has…

Understanding The User Experience

February 6th, 2019

…quality of the online experience for those accessing the internet via mobile devices is paramount. Their need is simple, the solution, however, is ever evolving. That’s because for mobile users…

How Important is Link Building

May 26th, 2021

…you to just about anywhere throughout the internet. When one website links to another, this is called a “backlink”. In Google’s eyes, a backlink is seen as a referral in…

Establishing an Effective eCommerce Website

February 28th, 2007

…pages load quickly and correctly on various browsers, not just Microsoft Internet Explorer. Once you bring potential customers to your site you don’t want them getting frustrated because of a…

Five Simple Ways to Increase Website Traffic

October 3rd, 2009

…Build a community. Whether you utilize the advantages of social networking or pass out business cards at a tradeshow, or even if you start a conversation with someone in passing…

Email Marketing Tips Techniques and Campaign Strategies

February 11th, 2010

Email Marketing Tips and Techniques Email marketing campaigns have emerged as a valuable marketing tool utilized to increase brand awareness, maintain high Internet visibility, and attract new prospects to a…

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