Marketing automation (MA) is now ubiquitous. It’s essential that marketers learn to use it to maintain a competitive advantage. There are four basic principles that need to be followed to ensure success.
Guidance Required
Most companies are already using MA in some form, but many don’t realize the importance of guiding it to increase effectiveness. The technology isn’t sophisticated enough to succeed without an experienced professional monitoring and adjusting it.
Dramatic shifts can occur because of a pandemic, a competitor using a new strategy, or even just a change in seasons. MA alone can’t predict or react quickly to these shifts, so marketers have to.
Inputs Matter
How subscribers are acquired becomes even more important when the process is automated. The same rules about acquisition still apply. Be clear about what people are signing up for so they know what you expect from you, but monitor performance to ensure you’re using the right strategies from the start. Some methods of acquisition can be counter-productive, but you’ll never know unless you keep an eye on it.
Charting Course
Your marketing requires clear objectives to function and simply automating aspects of it doesn’t change that. Determine your goals first, then figure out what stats are the most important indicators of success. Track, monitor, and adjust.
Campaigns don’t exist in a vacuum. It’s important that your efforts complement each other across channels. Some marketing platforms aren’t able to communicate with each other. Marketers need to fill in the gaps and tie the data together to make it actionable.
Following the principles above should help get your MA on track, but it’s easier said than done. Active Web Group has over 20 years of experience helping businesses of all sizes and industries clear their digital obstacles. Contact us today and we’ll look over your automation efforts free of charge. Give us a call at 800-978-3417 today.