Four out of five Smartphone users reach for their devices and log onto Facebook, Twitter and Instagram within minutes of waking. Therefore, building brand awareness via Social Media continues to be a top priority for savvy digital marketers. In fact, 87% of today’s marketers believe social media strategies are above other forms of marketing!
Since a majority of all internet users are active on various Social Media platforms, it is highly beneficial for your company to build your brand exactly where your demographic is engaged. To maximize your posting power, read on for some useful pointers.
Brand Boosting Social Media Tips:
- Perform Demographic Research: Is your audience predominantly male or female? What are their interests, lifestyles and income levels? It is essential that you determine your target audience before starting your Social Media campaign to help determine the subject matter, tone and voice of your brand. Small yet significant changes in writing styles will make you more relatable and a brand that people can trust. Every so often use humor to really capture audience attention, but always stick to your brand message and speak to your demographic.
- Determine Peak Times and Days: You put a lot of time and thought into your posts, so you’ll want them to get the most positive response. Determine which day of the week and times of day or night your audience logs on to social media. This information will help you determine when you will receive the most user engagement and when to strike while the iron is hot.
- Keep Tone Consistent: Consistency is extremely important when it comes to building your brand through a Social Media campaign, especially if you are using multiple platforms. Once you establish the right voice and tone for your brand, keep it consistent across all digital platforms. For example, if your company has a blog on their website, match the tone on Social Media. If you have a Twitter, Facebook and Instagram account, create a similar color scheme and profile picture for all three platforms. This will make it easier for people to recognize and follow you. To boost brand recognition and give you a stronger presence in the land of social media your username or handle should also be similar.
Boost your brand with social media
- Share Company News: Don’t be afraid to post about awards, company gatherings or employee successes. Your followers will love to share in your company culture and successes and may even share good news with their friends. This gives your audience a peek into your company’s everyday life and makes them feel like they are getting to know your business on a more personal level.
- Use Trending Hashtags: Along with choosing the most engaging image and clever post language, use the #hashtag, which turns a key word or phrase into a searchable link. They bring you to a page that displays all the posts with that same hashtag, so research popular hashtags to get the most exposure.
- Keep Posts Constant: Enhance your brand by being consistent with your Social Media posting schedule. This reassures your audience that your company as a brand is relevant. Not posting enough can lead to a loss of followers and a negative connotation towards your company. Fortunately, there are many social media dashboards, such as Hootsuite, that can help you organize and schedule your posts in one place so you don’t have to log into multiple accounts.
- Respond to Positive and Negative Posts: Timely engagement with your followers is important. They are taking the time to comment or send a PM (private message) and so should you. Quickly responding to posts will help you earn loyal, happy customers. If someone writes something positive, acknowledge them or like their post. If someone writes something negative, forward to your customer service department and/or reach out to them directly to correct the issue.
Social Media Campaigns are multifaceted, so we’re only scratching the surface with these brand building tips. It can be a full time job in itself, so if you’re unsure about Social Media or simply don’t have the time to invest because you are running your business, seek outside assistance. If you’re not taking advantage of Social Media, your business is missing out on a marketing effort that can deliver measurable results!