This year, Active Web Group developed a series of webinars to provide business owners and managers with a general understanding of digital marketing, including an introduction to SEO and what pitfalls to avoid, how better understand your SEO KPIs, and an overview of what should be included in your digital marketing campaign.
As a company who has worked on both the local Long Island SEO level as well as with national brands for responsive web design and brand strategy, Active Web Group leverages dynamic Internet marketing strategies to support your brand, engage your online audience, and increase conversions.
We invite you to view our webinar series, presented by Maria Fiscina, SEO Department Manager at Active Web Group and to contact us should any questions arise or if you would like to get your own Internet marketing plan underway. Not sure where to begin? Start by requesting your free SEO Analysis so that Active Web Group can help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your site and where your company fits in the overall digital landscape.
Our Webinar Topics
SEO Sabotage: Pitfalls to Avoid
In Active Web Group’s kick-off webinar, we discuss the difficulties that most companies face when their SEO is not properly managed. With a solid strategy at the core of your website’s SEO, it will not only be easier to track the success of your campaigns, but will also make managing projects much easier, as goals and targets will already be defined through strategic planning.
Internet Marketing 101
In this webinar, Active Web Group offers insight on how to spot areas for growth in your KPIs (Key Productivity Indicators). We also discuss what SEO, email, PPC (pay per click), and social channels can accomplish for your site and which channels are best suited for lead generation and eCommerce sites, as well as how to develop KPIs for said sites. All of these elements come together to develop a cohesive campaign for your business.
KPIs 101 – Succeed in Your SEO Today
KPIs are an important part of every marketing campaign. By establishing SEO KPIs, you can create a solid foundation for your campaign and in return get the most out of your efforts. From search queries to internal links, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to navigate your results.
Want to learn more about the work Active Web Group has done? Visit our Portfolio.