Your online business needs more conversions and revenue and you’re about to sign with a digital agency for a either a customized Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaign or a Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign. Fact is, you’ll reach and sustain your business goals faster using both in tandem. That is because over time, and with the now frequent search engine formula adjustments, organic search can sometimes take longer to post the desired returns. Therefore, many digital agencies opt for a combination of PPC and SEO initiatives which may be adjusted as needed to yield the metrics online business owners strive for. There is no hard and fast rule, and no ‘one size fits all’ SEO/PPC contract.
SEO initiatives develop and bolster organic metrics to achieve stated online business goals. Problem is, these initiatives take months of development and effort to execute and maintain. On the other hand, PPC can achieve ranking results out of the starting gate due to being cost driven. This is great for any business, but especially for those in very competitive marketplaces. The downside to every Pay-Per-Click campaign is that when it ends, any gains end immediately.
Achieve Desired Results with a Joint Campaign
At the start of any online business marketing campaign, savvy business owners opt for both SEO and PPC. PPC ensures they will start to see results and their brand will begin to become more visible to the prospects who could potentially become customers. Meanwhile, the brand’s organic metrics’ foundation and subsequent campaign are built. Both campaigns are independent, but work together as they are instrumental in achieving a common goal: obtaining the online business’ objectives. Not only can these joint efforts ‘play nice’ together to increase the site’s conversion rate, but also to decrease the cost per new business acquisition.
What about when organic results start rolling in? It would be a mistake to assume that PPC initiatives can now be dropped, however. Instead, a competitive approach would be to analyze the results to date and, together with their SEO/PPC team, determine a reallocation of their spend to achieve the next set of online objectives as PPC can draw prospects from certain sectors and SEO from others. Every year the team should analyze what has been accomplished and determine how to balance their SEO/PPC campaigns to continue to maximize their benefit for the online business.
Active Web Group, a full-service digital agency headquartered in Hauppauge, New York, provides a full array of online marketing services including SEO and PPC. If you have questions regarding these services, please call us at (800) 978-3417 or submit your form request.