Over the last couple of months Google has made it clear that content marketing is going to be the best way for web marketers to rank high and keep their rankings in the search engines. Content marketing allows bloggers and website owners to not only express their ideas, but to promote products and services. If your company uses a blogging platform, content marketing is going to be your key to outranking competitors. Here are a few strategies to consider when you are adding material to your content marketing campaigns.
Topic Choices
The topic choices are endless, no matter what industry your company works in. When you’re choosing a topic for your marketing campaigns try to keep it fairly broad so you are not segregating your audience. When you get too specific you might not be able to keep certain readers interested. It is okay to go into specifics if you are reviewing a product or if the topic is industry specific. Industry specific topics can get a lot of page views and insight comments.
Share Content Through Social Media
Sharing your content is going to be integral to getting better page rank and gaining more followers. Don’t rely on search engine results for your content marketing campaigns. Sharing content through Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter will bring in more followers and get you more retweets and comments. Consider using a delivery service so that when you post to your blog it is instantly posted to your other social media accounts. Always encourage your readers to comment and subscribe to your content.
Use The Basics
You invest a lot of time and money into your on-page SEO, why not use it with your blog posts? The basics of Search Engine Optimization are also going to keep your content ranking high in the SERPS. Be sure to do keyword research before you post to your blog or website. Keyword research is going to help your posts rank organically in the search engines to bring in more readership. Some people believe that a blog is for personal expression and choose not to use basic SEO such as keywords. If you choose to do this, you’re missing out on easy traffic. Always use basic keyword research in your topics before you send out a post.
Monitor Your Readership
By following these rules you should start to get some good traffic. When you use these fundamentals, you should start to see an increase in readership also. Once your readerships has increased, monitor what your readers are talking about. Are your readers agreeing with you? Are they discussing a certain post? Make sure that you are always monitoring your readership so you can address any issues they may have. When you address what your readers are talking about you will gain their respect and keep them coming back to your website. Learning what your readers are interested in can also tailor your content marketing plan for what your audience wants to read about. This can also lead to guest blogging opportunities to make even more of an impact in your content marketing campaigns.
For more information about professional Search Engine Optimization, call us at 1-800-978-3417 or Contact Active Web Group and let us help you!